Friday, December 01, 2006

.hidden in the glitter is the real thing.

i have to say, i've never actually been in athens during break. and as expected, it's dead here. i mean there's no one here. it's so weird to be in my apartment and not hear that insanely annoying beat coming from the apartment below us every night (not that i miss it), seeing all the empty parking lots and when walking down the street barely pass anyone who actually looks like they might be a college student.

i'm still associating athens with not-so-good feelings. so even though i have nothing going on, except working a few days, i still have a harder time dealing with things. it's amazing how much your environment can affect your mood. i can't wait until this week is over, then the really fun part of my break starts.

athens 11.29-12.8 [CAR class, M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.]
columbus12.9-12.22 [interning @ the Columbus Dispatch]
home 12.23-12.26 [CHRISTMAS!!!]
new york city 12.27-1.2 [New Year's :-)]

so it'll be a crazy break, true story. not as relaxing as i was maybe hoping for. but it's going to be fun. i'm estatic for this internship, especially since i'll actually be getting paid! *shock*

i know i sound all over the place, considering how i was just complaining that i don't really want to be here right now, but it's the holidays. it's hard to be in a bad mood. i think i'm just not happy that i'm here in athens by myself. well, liz is here. so that makes me happy. but i think it's because i'm living by myself right now. i'm not used to that, and i'm not sure i like it.

i decided this weekend i'm just going to spend as much time as i can with liz and throw myself into this speakeasy redesign, which, by the way, we just decided to do "in house." we're insane, but i think it will be much better this way *crosses fingers*

and if i get really bored, there's always myspace surveys :-P

on another note - concerts! i have a few planned for next year already. if anyone else is interested in joining, let me know!

AFI 2.9 @ Newport [Columbus, OH]
Taste of Chaos 3.18 @ Hara Arena [Dayton, OH] - the Used, 30STM, Chiodos, Aiden, etc.
Anti-Flag 4.20 @ Bogart's [Cincinnati, OH]

eeeee just looking at that list makes me super excited. seeing AFI, 30STM and Aiden
again. and seeing anti-flag, chiodos and the Used for the first time.

the used. oh my god. i will die. <3

so yeah, call, comment, e-mail me, message me, if you're interested :)

gosh, it's so freakin' windy outside. the sky is gray. the trees are dead. i wish it would just get cold and snow already. at least the snow's pretty.

oh, and one more beef. when i returned to athens i got our electric bill for the month. you will not believe this: $131!!!!! for one month! i'm assuming it's because of the heat, but c'mon. that's just ridiculous. what college student has that kind of money? blahhh, i need to figure something out.

$131. baby jesus. that kills me. it's
almost laughable.

alright, i've wasted enough time. i'm peacing out.


the crows are coming for us FROM FIRST TO LAST

you walk on water
you sing that lovely tune
you walk on water

always knew what you were

the crows are coming for us
let 'em live, let 'em live
the crows are hungry for us
let 'em live, let 'em live

1 comment:

Leah said...

i should have stayed in athens for break, but i think i would have been bored.

i love you!!!