Monday, November 27, 2006

.it breaks if you don't try.

whoa. i just completely redid my myspace. it's been a really really really long time since i last did and i was getting bored with it, so enjoy :)

on another note, i have to leave home in less than two days. plain and simple, i'm not ready. i am a teeny bit bored, true story, but after the craziness of last quarter, i'm due for a little boredom. and whose brilliant idea was it for me to take a class over winter break anyway? thanks stewart.

in all seriousness it's going to be an amazing class - computer assisted reporting.


that sounds dull, i know. but it's all about gathering information, mostly for investigative reporting on the internet. i'm not sure if that description was any less dull, but it sounds exciting to me. of course, i'm a journalism nerd, so there you go.

i also got my hair cut. and i love it. pretty much. jesse is a magician, i'm convinced. i barely have to tell him anything and he cuts it perfect every time.

i guess that's it for now. i'm going to go watch good night and good luck. finally.


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