Monday, April 30, 2007

.for them all to know the end of us all.

in the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should.

i think it's important to remember this. even if it seems like things are hopeless. because you can never really know. but just because the universe always works itself out in the end doesn't mean that it never loses control from time to time. this is where we step in. we have the power to say a big "fuck you" to the universe whenever we so choose. sometimes it deserves it.

sometimes i think too many people are afraid to take control of their own lives. everyone should be able to do the things that truly make them happy, and if it scares you, well get over it. if it's something you'll regret not doing then find any way possible to get it done. sometimes timing is everything. sometimes you have to make a lot of adjustments. or it might mean you keep piling on the loans. or that you'll feel extremely lonely for much longer than you'd like. that doesn't mean it won't be worth it.

wow, this is way to much philosophizing for this early in the morning (yes, 945 is early for me). i need to save it for tonight. experimental non-fiction essay, here i come.

ps. if you know anything about liberia, the art of tattooing or torture methods of the cross, i might want to talk to you.

and maybe i'll get the nerve to post my finished essay on here when i'm done. depending on how happy i am with it.

i'll work on that.


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