Monday, January 22, 2007

.and i will be able to sleep at night.

this weekend, as alison just wrote in her blog, procrastination started setting in waaayy early. it's not that i wasn't working on things, i was just working on the wrong things. not even the wrong things, but too much on one thing (speakeasy) and not enough on the others (reading for classes).

oh well. it happens. i just have a paper due in history, talking about the different responses to european influence in the middle east in the nineteenth century. no big.

the past fews days had not been so good. i think i've just been feeling really lonely, for one reason or another. it's not like people aren't around, but honestly i was starting to get be afraid to lay down in my bed at night because i knew i was alone. it sounds absurd and i hate admitting it, but it's true. it made for some tough nights.

saturday night was better. even though i didn't get to go to dance or die, leah and i braved the weather in our sweatpants, pea coats and hats to buy some cake mix to make brownies. they were yum, and we almost have them finished. hehe.

today (LIZZLE'S BIRTHDAY!!!) liz and i went and saw jesus camp. it was seriously one of the most disturbing things i've seen in a long time. you just have to see it for yourself. some of the highlights:
- a kid talking about how he was saved at the age of 5 (who needs saved at the age of 5???)
- a mother talking about how the public schools are crap and brainwashing her children (and what does she think she's doing?)
- the woman who runs the camp instructing 8-year-olds to speak in tongues (and they DO!) and chanting about how they're ready for war
- that same woman talking about how american christians are "behind" the Muslims because Muslim children are prepared to die for their god (seriously, because handing a rifle to a 5-year-old is such a great idea), and she wants to see christian children with that kind of discipline because apparently they have the "truth"
- and her talking about how chilren are "usable in christianity"
- a family saying a pledge of allegiance to the christian flag
- two little kids talking about themselves as "warriors"
- ted haggard being cheeky to the camera (this was before he was found to have been sneaking off using drugs with a gay hooker - typical)
- not to mention the complete irony of a camp called "kids on fire" being held at a place called Devil's Lake

overall it was a fabulous film that portrayed all the events and subjects in a real light, and also balanced it out a little by showing segments with a christian host on air america (a decidedly liberal radio program) who reputes these things as a christian.

well, i have plenty more to talk about, especially a book i just finished reading, that i think everyone should read. but i'll save it for another time. it's getting late and i have class at 9 a.m.



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